Monday, November 18, 2019

Big Goals 2020

If you have followed my running journey, you know that I had surgery to remove a bunion back in 2014. My foot has not been the same since and usually causes pretty bad blistering on the ball of my big toe. After years of not getting answers from the podiatrist who did the surgery, I moved on to a new podiatrist and am finally getting answers. A little medical knowledge for ya:

Your foot has a bajillion bones in it. If you look at a photo of foot bones, you will see some tiny little bones on the bottom of your big toe joint, called sesamoid bones. These bones do a lot in moving your foot properly. Think about pushing off in a run. Your big toe moves in a certain way and propels you forward.
Related image
two little bones on the bottom of your big toe joint

One of my sesamoid bones was knocked out of place during surgery. I would always complain about a blister on the ball of my big toe, but there really was nothing there. It honestly felt like my foot was shredding apart in my shoe. I was basically blistering from the inside out. All because that damn bone was moved.
Flash forward to my new podiatrist. He immediately recognized the problem and gave me a funny little insert for my shoe. I have not had any blister problems since I began wearing my "Cluffy Wedge." The pain would normally come along around 1 mile, but I can run at least 3 miles now without any pain. (I haven't ran longer than 3 yet..)
Related image
cluffy wedge. this damn thing saved my running life

It has been such a long road and I am beyond happy to have my running back. So happy that I've set all sorts of big goals for myself for 2020. Hell, if I can run, I'm going to RUN!
I finished a 5k back in October with a pretty decent time. Decent being relative. Obviously, not being able to run for 5 years has set me back in the speed and distance isle. But a 37:06 5k made me happy. (It's a hard pill to swallow when I was consistently running 30 minute 5k's, but let's give some grace where grace belongs.)

I am joining a winter training group that will train Tuesday and Saturday throughout the winter.
I am signed up to run the Nashville Rock 'N Roll Half Marathon in April.
And I have a huge goal of running a 50k in July. Race to be announced later, although I already know which one. (50k is equal to just over 31 miles. holy crap.)

I feel like I have been struggling lately trying to find "my thing." Everyone I know has something that makes them so happy. Cycling, art, whatever it may be. With running taken out of the equation for me for so long, I felt like I lost "my thing." I always identified as a runner. And I was stripped of that title after surgery. I tried fitting in with the cyclists and don't get me wrong, I love them very much. But I do not identify as a cyclist. I like riding. But it is not what drives me.
Running was my thing. And I think I finally have it back. And I am going to make the most of it while I can!

Follow along as I document my road to Big Goals 2020!

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