Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Vanishing Act

Has it really been over a year since my last post? Time just gets away from me, I guess. Here is an update of the latest goings on in the land of Fritz.

1- We sold the camper and bought a van and are converting it into a camper. Her name is Big Red and she has her own blog. Maybe that's where I've been? Blogging about Big Red? On our way back from Dirty Kanza (last blog post) we decided that a van was the best move for us. It the year since that decision, Big Red has come a long way and we are always excited to get her moving down the road.

Image may contain: sky, cloud, car and outdoor

2- One year after Mister completed DK200, I completed DK50. He put his name in the lottery again but wasn't chosen. I, however, was chosen for the 50 mile race. 

Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor

3- Patrick and wife had a beautiful baby boy, Briar, whom I am so in love with!!

4- We drink too much with a rowdy crowd of MTB'ers. (see photo below)

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and outdoor

As for my physical goals, I am starting to run again, slowly. I have a 5k on the schedule in 4 weeks and a 10k in 8 weeks. My hope is to make it to the 10k in good shape, able to run the majority if not the full distance. It is a hilly 10k and I am taking that into account. #imrunningforpat is still a thing 
Cycling happens occasionally. I do not have any goal races or rides coming up anytime soon. At some point, I would like to complete a century. Maybe that will be a goal for next summer or fall. 

We have a long Christmas break in Big Red planned. Savannah, GA is the main location for the trip. We will boogie down there in one shot, spend a few days and then slowly meander our way back home. As always, I want to hit the Appalachian Trail for some hiking and Mister wants to hit some gnarly MTB trails in the Asheville area. Breweries and bikes and hiking and sight-seeing and Big Red. 
That is what our life is. And I couldn't be happier about it. 

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