Well y'all. Here we are. December 1 2020.
I will assume that your year has went as well as mine, on the racing front anyway. Nonexistent. From my previous posts, I had a huge year planned for 2020. I finally signed up for my first ULTRA! I had 3 half marathons, one 8 hour race and a 50k on my race calendar. All of which were canceled or postponed.
2020 though wasn't as awful as it could have been. I actually had some pretty big moments!
First, I found JESUS! (can I get an Amen?!) The story behind this is interesting. I was really struggling with work. I felt very disrespected, not valued, often times laughed at. I was coming up on 4 years with this office and I just literally could not take another moment. I was laying in bed before work, crying, because I couldn't imagine going in to the office. For the first time in my adult life, I said a prayer. I asked God for help. Now, I was never a non-believer. I always believed. I just maybe was not a worshipper? I'm not sure what the right term is here, but I just wasn't on board with the whole religion thing. That prayer was my last option. I needed help. And boy did HE answer in a big way. That day. He wasted no time showing me that He had my back. I received a call for an interview! See below:
Second, I got a new job! It wasn't easy though, because COVID came around and my employer began a hiring freeze. From the day of the phone call asking for an interview to the day I was offered my new job was FIVE months. God knew He had some more work to do on me so He made me wait and learn patience. But here I am working a bigger job, making more money, in my own cubicle. Win!
Third, I had to learn the hard way that friends don't always have your best interest at heart. I won't get into details here, but just know that my eyes have been opened and I am working towards genuine, honest friendships with people who want the same thing. It was a hard lesson to learn, but a valuable one that I wouldn't trade the world for. It shifted my entire thinking. For the better.
Those are the great things that 2020 and COVID brought me. As for the bad?
First, every race was canceled or postponed. What I thought was going to be an amazing year of running turned out to be an amazing year of drinking too much beer and eating too many tacos.
Second, I lost some friends. (its ok. see above).
Third, I've been struggling with what I would call depression. Most likely brought on because of this crazy year. I have lost every ounce of motivation and dedication. It's hard waking up in the mornings and I don't sleep well at night. My weight has increased (lack of activity and beer/taco combos). My hair is thinning. I'm a wee bit more emotional (i.e. I cry at the stupidest things). And I have a general feeling of "what's the point?" We are working through it though, and I have all faith that I will come out the other side of this a better person.
So what does 2021 look like? A repeat of what 2020 was going to be! I have three half marathons, a 6 hour race, an 8 hour race and a 50k. Not too mention my (new) tradition of a run streak up to my birthday. Last year was my 37th birthday so I ran a 37 day run streak ending with a 3.7 mile run on my birthday. Turns out I really love run streaking and the streak continued for 134 days! This year will be a 38 day run streak. Who knows if I will continue after. I can't see that far into the future right now.
All I know is that 2021 is going to be the year of many firsts. First 6 hour race. First 8 hour race. First 50k. I am excited and nervous and anxious but so so ready. I am ready to finally do it big. To prove to myself that I CAN go big and succeed. That I can drop a few lbs. That I can have a thriving marriage. And amazing friends. And a badass job.
2021 is going to be epic. Follow along for the highs and lows and all of the beer and tacos. Love y'all!
**I forgot to mention above that my journey with Jesus hasn't stopped or diminished at all. I was baptized on September 27th and have been walking side by side with my Lord ever since.**
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