Monday, March 5, 2018

Brain Digestion and Zombies

I promise I'm still here! I haven't forgotten about you! Things went a little off track the last couple of weeks. But I am finally back on track and making some good progress.
After my last post, I ended up with the flu. That took a good week off my life.. I mean, off my training. I had a week after that where my body was still recovering and then BAM!! I ended up with a gnarly head cold that yet again took a week off my lif.. training. While I am still fighting some congestion and inability to breath out of my nose while running, I am also perfecting my farmer blow.. Win-Win, right?
I've had a good week of runs, knocking out three in the last seven days. Tomorrow is a rest day from running and then I will be back for Wednesday and Thursday and a long run on either Saturday or Sunday.
We are just shy of five weeks out from my first race of the season. The Circular Logic Marathon is a really cool, very unique race. ( It is a marathon (or relay) on a one mile loop. Some may say "How the heck do you run 26 loops and not go insane?" while others say "It's nice running on a contained, exact loop". Me? I'm indifferent. I've ran this race as a relay in the past and really enjoyed it. Every mile you get a cheer zone! I do train on the course often and typically hate it.
I am running with three gal pals as SEAL Team Four. (SEAL= Sarah, Erica, Amy, Laura. Pretty freaking clever if you ask me. Two of us work in ROTC units with active duty military guys) I originally wanted a large chunk of the miles. As it is right now, I will be running ten miles. The other sixteen will be broken up between the other three runners. Where I am right now, ten miles is going to be testing. Honestly, I don't know if it is possible. But, I am going to try my damnedest to get there. Five weeks. Five weeks. Five weeks. If I run four times a week, multiplied by five weeks, that's twenty runs. I think I can get to eight miles in ten runs. The last two will be pure grit.
My run today was just shy of three miles. I took one walk break in the middle to adjust my headphones and pull my shirt back down. Does anyone else struggle with shirts that ride up?
The wind was whipping around like crazy today and even though the temperature was in the 40's, it was cold! I started listening to Zombies, Run again to make the runs a little more fun. Instead of making it fun, I think it's making me nervous. Ha! I find myself looking over my shoulder alot, which really isn't great running form.
Sometimes though, I just need to run. Without distractions from pedestrians (I typically run on a Big 10 college campus), traffic or other runners. Today was one of those days. I was frustrated with work, and full of angst. I needed to run alone, with my zombies and my thoughts. It felt amazing. I picked up the pace at the end of the run (yea, the wind was pushing me a bit) and ended with nothing but peace. I am truly a lone wolf when it comes to running. I need to digest and process my thoughts and move on. That is what running does for me. It is my brain digestion. 
I know that I will need to rely on other people to help get me through some of my long runs on my journey to Marine Corps. I will need the distraction from the pain, the encouragement. But for today, I just needed to be inside my head.
Five weeks until Circular Logic Marathon (relay)
July 22, 2018- Rock N Rock Chicago Half Marathon
October 28, 2018- Marine Corps Marathon in honor of my big brother, Patrick
My Instagram story for this hashtag is growing! You should check it out! Use the hashtag yourself. You personally know people with diabetes. Run for them, and use my cool #... Let's document our love and support for everyone suffering from this stupid disease.
P.S. Thanks to AMY for the $35 donation to Diabetes Action, as my 35th birthday gift. (Oh shoot, I just gave away my age)
P.S.S Look out for a new shoe review in my next post! I still need a few more runs in them before I can fully decided what I think.

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