Monday kicked off Day 1 of marathon training. I have my plan broken into three phases. Phase One is really just a base building phase that will lead into Phase Two- Half Marathon. I have been pretty inconsistent with running for a few years and I have great intentions of actually having a base before Phase Three rolls around.
My current "race" schedule is:
April 7 2018- Circular Logic Marathon Relay (10 miles for me)
July 22 2018- Rock N Roll Half Marathon Chicago
October 28 2018- Marine Corps Marathon
I'm sure there will be a few 5k's and 10's thrown in there for good measure, but those won't be planned out.
Day 1 of Phase One, luckily for me, was a rest day! Every Monday is a rest day on my plan. Day 2 was a 2 mile run. I had plans to run with a friend, but she got held up at work. I ended up with 20 minutes on the treadmill at home, which I'm happy with. I had a little walk break around the 5 minute mark, and then again around the 11 minute mark. Other than that, it was a nice little run. I had a minor blistering issue, but not as bad as it usually is. My new Altra shoes are fantastic! I imagine that I will need to invest in at least one more pair of good shoes, if not two. That doesn't really hurt my feelings. I love buying shoes.
I also have good intentions to maintain a strength program throughout training. I have notoriously weak hips, so staying strong throughout training is going to be key. I have many at home workout videos that can keep me honest. The worst part of strength training though, is the first couple of weeks when your hamstrings feel every dead lift and squat. Ouchie!
Today is a three mile run and I'm actually excited for it. Its been a long time since I've went into a training plan feeling ready. I'm ready to tackle this 10 mile run on April 7th. And then 13.1 on July 22nd. And then 26.2 on October 28th.
Follow along, track my progress and donate (info coming later) to Diabetes Action! After all, I'm running this marathon in honor of my brother, who was diagnosed Type 1 when he was 23! #imrunningforpat
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