Tuesday, January 30, 2018

No More Wimps!

It's hard to believe that it is almost February. I feel like this year is flying by and I'm not sure that I like it. This year is a big birthday for me and I don't think I am handling it very well.
Thirty-FIVE?!? I remember thirty. And twenty-five. And twenty.
I don't feel thirty five. I guess sometimes my body doesn't perform as well as I want it to, or expect it to. I'm slowly noticing more and more gray hair. I enjoy going to bed before 10pm.
The beginning of the year is always tough for me, since my birthday is in February. Once it passes though, I move on and embrace my new age. By summertime, I will be rocking thirty five like no other! And I have alot to look forward to during this year. Thirty five, while I'm fighting it, is going to be a pretty monumental year for me.
I will run my first full marathon at the age of thirty five! I will be running my fourth half marathon. I have some pretty fun little vacations planned. And according to my horoscope, I will have some success at work.
I am finally coming to terms with running again. I think we have made peace with my long time away and I don't fight it so much. I am slowly getting my consistency back and remembering how to suffer through the spots of bother. Four years ago, I could go on a 7 mile run without taking a walk break. My brain was much stronger than right now. Yesterday I forced myself into an outdoor run in 29 degrees, windy and snowing. This is my way of reclaiming my bad ass runner chick mojo. No longer are the days of being a wimp and finding any excuse to not run.

Proof that I actually went outside yesterday. It was cold!

In the moments of suck, I think of the finish line at Marine Corp. I think of my PR that I am going to get at Rock N Roll. I think of the calories that are burning off my jiggle thighs and the muscle that is growing. I find comfort in the solitude. I listen to my stupid thoughts. I listen to my smart thoughts. Sometimes I cry. Sometimes I laugh. Sometimes I have to stop in the middle of the road and dance to the killer beat that just came through my headphones. Of course, then I run faster in case anyone saw me.
But what really gets me through the spots of bother is Patrick. Pat is capable of anything. I can promise that if him and I had a footrace right now, he would smoke me. Type 1 diabetic and all. Dude is just as able-bodied as anyone! I am not running this marathon because he can't. I am running this marathon because he has to live with a stupid disease, a disease that kills people, a disease that dramatically changes lives. And I want to show him that I am right there with him. I don't have diabetes, but I am going to struggle like him. I am going to have to sacrifice, like him. I am going to push myself to my limits to show him that I love him. And that, even though I don't have the disease, I am fighting too.

And for those of you who read my last post, Patrick and Brittany are having a.........  BOY!!!!!

Monday, January 15, 2018

Jiggle Thighs and Baby News

Week One- Phase One. How did it go?
I ended up missing two runs. 50%. See? Typical Laura Lou strikes again. To be fair, the first run was missed due to grocery shopping with Mister. (have I introduced y'all to Mister?) I worked until 4, then shopping for food. It would have been 8pm before I could run and that is just unheard of. I missed another run, too, but I don't remember why. Must have been a great reason. :)
I did hit two of my runs though, and they were wonderful. I am certainly ready for running outside weather though. I struggle on the treadmill. Things I like about running on the treadmill:
-I get to watch tv
-Climate control
-Wearing little booty shorts that I would never be caught dead in inside

Here's the thing. I have jiggly thighs. They are chubby and squishy and not toned at all. And I don't care. Well, I do care. But I also love the fact that my jiggle thighs carry me through life. They have been put through the wringer. Xterra triathlons, half marathons, hikes, 52 mile bike rides. And they never let me down. They don't get mad that I suck at training and then hit big runs/bikes. They don't get mad that I eat pizza and expect them to perform highly. They just keep on truckin' along.
But I still don't want to run in public in tiny shorts. Not yet. Maybe this summer I will have enough courage to let the flab fly.
Today's run was pretty sucky. I planned on 20 minutes, but only hit 10. My brain just wasn't in it. Again, I blame the treadmill. I was supposed to meet E at the gym to run together, but the weather had other plans. Indiana doesn't understand what "plow" means, and I have yet to see one go by today.
**Legit- As I typed that, a plow just went by!
As the weeks go by, I promise I will be more consistent with my runs. Come March, I will be running outside, pushing my jiggle thighs up hills and around rivers, ticking off mile after mile. Maybe, if you live close, you can join me for a few of those miles!
Side Note- Today I find out if my brother Patrick and his wife are having a boy or girl! They are pregnant with Baby Baker #2, due in May. Baby Baker #1 turned out to be sweet Baby Girl Baker and I am keeping my fingers crossed for Baby Boy Baker this time around. Yay to nieces and nephews!!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

And So It Begins

Monday kicked off Day 1 of marathon training. I have my plan broken into three phases. Phase One is really just a base building phase that will lead into Phase Two- Half Marathon. I have been pretty inconsistent with running for a few years and I have great intentions of actually having a base before Phase Three rolls around.
My current "race" schedule is:
April 7 2018- Circular Logic Marathon Relay (10 miles for me)
July 22 2018- Rock N Roll Half Marathon Chicago
October 28 2018- Marine Corps Marathon
I'm sure there will be a few 5k's and 10's thrown in there for good measure, but those won't be planned out.
Day 1 of Phase One, luckily for me, was a rest day! Every Monday is a rest day on my plan. Day 2 was a 2 mile run. I had plans to run with a friend, but she got held up at work. I ended up with 20 minutes on the treadmill at home, which I'm happy with. I had a little walk break around the 5 minute mark, and then again around the 11 minute mark. Other than that, it was a nice little run. I had a minor blistering issue, but not as bad as it usually is. My new Altra shoes are fantastic! I imagine that I will need to invest in at least one more pair of good shoes, if not two. That doesn't really hurt my feelings. I love buying shoes.
I also have good intentions to maintain a strength program throughout training. I have notoriously weak hips, so staying strong throughout training is going to be key. I have many at home workout videos that can keep me honest. The worst part of strength training though, is the first couple of weeks when your hamstrings feel every dead lift and squat. Ouchie!
Today is a three mile run and I'm actually excited for it. Its been a long time since I've went into a training plan feeling ready. I'm ready to tackle this 10 mile run on April 7th. And then 13.1 on July 22nd. And then 26.2 on October 28th.
Follow along, track my progress and donate (info coming later) to Diabetes Action! After all, I'm running this marathon in honor of my brother, who was diagnosed Type 1 when he was 23! #imrunningforpat