Monday, April 9, 2018

TNN and TT1

After my last post, I did some thinking about running for a charity. With Diabetes Action pulling out of Marine Corps, I needed to find another charity to raise funds for. Not only do I want to honor Pat by running the marathon, but I also want to get everyone else involved in the fight against diabetes.
Back in 2014, Mister and I rented a camper and followed the Tour of California bike race around for a week. Just like people at the Tour de France. We lived in a camper and drove around the bay area for a week. It really was such an amazing trip!
At the first stage of the race, the California sun was scorching my face. So I went off on a mission to find a hat. I could have easily bought a hat from one of the big teams, but there was one team that instantly touched my heart. Team Novo Nordisk.

Atop Mt. Diablo rockin' my TNN hat!

Now let me tell you about Team Novo Noridsk. In the years since 2014, I've followed this team. I've done my small amount of research on them. And I have concluded that they are the best cycling team out there. For the only reason that in order to be on the team, you MUST be diabetic. This team's sole purpose is to let you know that diabetes is not a reason to stop living life. Diabetics are just as able-bodied as everyone else. It is a matter of education! You really should check out this awesome team.

When I needed to find a new charity to run for, Team Novo immediately came to mind. I reached out to them and was directed to another non-profit that works hand in hand with Team Novo. I will officially be fundraising for Team Type 1.

Now don't go sending me money just yet. TT1 is currently launching a new online platform for donations, which we will be using once it is up and running, which should be about 2 weeks. Do some research on this organization, save your pennies and support my journey to 26.2. I know most of you reading this are cyclists. Most of my friends ride bikes! You can relate to Team Novo Nordisk simply through your love of bicycles. I mean, they are a professional cycling team! And they work side by side with Team Type 1.
Type 1 diabetes, for those of your who are not familiar, is the kind of diabetes that you are born with. It is genetic. It is also called juvenile diabetes, because people are usually diagnosed in their young years. Patrick was diagnosed at 23. There is absolutely nothing that he can do to cure his disease. He can only manage it, which he does with a Novo Nordisk continuous insulin pump. Money raised goes directly to education, research and support. TT1 offers scholarships for young athletes who fight this disease. How cool is that?!
Ok, now that I have done my solicitation for the day, let me tell you about the race this past weekend. I ended up dropping from ten miles to seven miles and I killed it! Mother Nature has been a little bipolar this Spring and the weather was 24 degrees at the race start. I was the first runner on the team and started right at 0900 in the stupidly cold weather. The first three miles were a little uncomfortable. I couldn't get my clothes to stay put and things were moving around too much. After I finally got my clothing situation under control, I knocked out the next four miles without much fuss. I actually ran more than what I would have guessed, close to 90% of the entire seven miles. Once my leg was done, it was a waiting game. As a team, we crossed the finish line just under 5 hours for a marathon. We all killed it!
7.2 miles done! Check out those cool AF sunnies on my face, too. Goodr is a brand of running sunnies that are designed to stay put while you are on the move. I can't say enough good(r) things about them! 

Looking ahead, I have about three months until my next race. Rock N Rock Chicago half marathon on July 22. After that, its another three months until Marine Corps Marathon!! Training is going to start getting heavy, so if you see me outside of here, tell me a joke to keep my spirits high. Come run with me! Join me for a ride (which is going to be my cross-training activity). Buy me a beer. Or some tacos. Or better yet, donate to Team Type 1! More info to come once the platform is ready to go...

Monday, April 2, 2018

Pat-A-Ricky and Handles

What an interesting turn of events. I mean, my entire life is an interesting turn of events, but this one relates directly to the Marine Corps Marathon.
As you know, I was originally registered for the 2017 marathon, but due to injury and lack of proper training, I deferred to 2018. When I registered in 2017, I agreed to run for a charity, Diabetes Action. I had a certain amount of money that had to be raised before I was "official", which I raised within a month of registering. I assumed that by deferring my bib to 2018, I would still be running with Diabetes Action. It turns out that Diabetes Action is NOT a charity partner of the MCM this year and I will not be running for them.
Since I had already paid my fees and raised my money, my bib is still valid for the 2018 marathon. I am signed up and ready to get to training. But I wont be running for a charity. Which is kind of the entire purpose of me running, right? #imrunningforpat.... Now, Im not saying that my cool # is gone for good. This just means that I have some researching to do and I may end up just running for Pat on my own, no help of a charity. I would love to find another diabetes charity to fund raise for, so please dont think that your wallets are safe. More info to come on that.
I guess this could be seen as a good thing. A silver lining type of deal. I am no longer forced to wear a terrible fitting team shirt on race day. I can make my own super cool #imrunningforpat shirt that fits me and that I feel good running in. Ah yes, my creative side is already sketching doodles of # ideas!
Either way, I will still be running this marathon for Patty, Pete, Patrick, Pat, Bro, Bubby, Pat-a-ricky, or any other name that he has been called that relates to Patrick. He still has T1 diabetes and he is still my really cool big brother. Does that ever go away? Is there an age where you stop thinking your big brothers are cool? I just cant see that happening...
I was really lucky to get to hang out with Pat again recently. In true Big Brother- Little Sister fashion, we took a picture.

Dont mind the beverage in my hand..

I ran my further distance this year the day after that photo. 5 big ole miles. It was actually the best run that I had in a long time. I felt at peace the entire time, just like I was supposed to be running. I have a couple of short runs this week and then my first big race of the year on Saturday. The Circular Logic Marathon relay with a few of my best girl friends. I have 7 miles on my agenda for that race. I will then be pounding the pavement the next day at a local 5k that my work is hosting. I expect nothing from the 5k and will probably do some walking along the route. 
Once I cross the finish line of the 5k, and I indulge in a beer or three, marathon training begins. I have to start getting serious. I am only 8 months-ish out from MCM18.. But first I think I need to find a new charity to fundraise for!! 
You should probably follow me on Instagram as well. There is even more to my journey that I post on there. 
Facebook isnt as fun as my Insta account, but if you want, you can find me there too.
And while we are at it, Im also on Snapchat. Now, I will warn you. I dont know shit about Snapchat. My posts are ridiculous and few and far between. But, hey, who am I to say what you like?
@lauralou644    (idk how to link my snap here..sorry. not a techie person)