I knew a long time ago that I was going to run a marathon someday. I've been a runner for a few years now, tackling numerous runs from 5k to half marathon. I remember the day very well:
I was a few weeks out from a half marathon. This would be my third total, and my second Indy Mini. (If you are looking for an awesome half, look at the Indy Mini!) I had tweaked my lower back and was sitting on the couch popping a muscle relaxer. I knew the half was going to be a disaster since I hadn't been training. Typical Laura Lou. Somewhere in the fog of the relaxer and the desire to be a true runner, I stumbled my way to the Marine Corps Marathon website. This.... This was going to be my marathon! I am a Navy veteran and lover of Marines and all things military. How could I not sign up for this race? Well, easily. It was sold out. The only way to run the 2017 MCM was to register with a charity. Luckily for me, I have a diabetic brother whom I always wanted to run for. So, I signed up to fund raise for Diabetes Action! I was officially running the 2017 MCM! HOLY COW!
Maybe a few days later as the drug fog cleared from my head, I realized the crazy decision that I made. I had to run a full marathon. 26.2 miles. I've ran 13.1 before. But now I had to double that. In about 6 months. HOLY COW!
As the summer approached, I had a small surgery which set me back about a month. There was no way that I was going to be ready to run the MCM, so I deferred to 2018. One of the best choices that I have ever made. Let's face it. I suck at training. Remember 'Typical Laura Lou'?
2018 is going to be different. I am going to train! I am going to be strong! I am not going to drink multiple times per week! I am going to be a real runner! I am going to finish MCM 2018! And to top it off, I am going to run MCM in honor of my brother, Patrick, who has Type 1 diabetes. He is the reason for the running! ***
***disclaimer: I believe that everyone who runs/jogs/run-walks/runs sporadically/runs daily/runs fast/runs slow is a runner. If you run, you are a runner! I am a runner. Also, I don't typically drink multiple times in a week. Sure, sometimes I drink on a Terrible Tuesday. Or a Thirsty Thursday. And usually on Friday and/or Saturday. Wait. Where was I going with that?
Diabetes Action is an awesome organization dedicated to the prevention and treatment of diabetes. My brother Pat was diagnosed Type 1 at the age of 23. He has his diabetes in check now with a pump. Alot of people can't say that. Alot of people struggle and fight with this disease every damn day. Give to this charity. www.diabetesaction.org
I have 320 days from today to get ready for this race. Follow me along this journey. Follow my struggles and successes, my blisters, my new shoes, my inappropriate jokes and comments and of course, my cursing. A small town Indiana girl, traveling to Washington D.C. for the biggest race of her life. This is going to be good. (Or bad. I have no idea...)